Inspirational Memes
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Inspirational Friends Following their Dreams

Pamela Capone, Author - California
Pam has been a friend for many years. She's a talented author who has written 3 books. She writes with a unique perspective on life, sharing personal touching stories mixed with humor. Check out her website and blog! PamelaCapone.com
Ray Brown, Self Employeed - Arizona
Ray is a good friend of ours who owns his own pest control business. He takes extreme pride in his work and goes the extra mile. He is friendly and efficient and will spend time with you to explain things so you understand before any work is done and his prices are very reasonable. https://www.hpc777.com

Ray is very talented and artistic. He has a jewelry business making beautiful hand-made, one of a kind bracelets and pendents using natural and stabilized stones. He takes pride in each piece and will customize your order. Visit his Resurrection Beads LLC Facebook page.
Gail’s Learning Center - Washington
Gail is a former coworker and friend. The Learning Center attempts to “connect the dots” between 3 categories of different resources and paths to health, happiness, and creativity for seniors and “pre-seniors” who are interested in healthy lifestyle opportunities.

Kami Pollvogt, Intentional Creativity Life Coach - Arizona
Kami is a former coworker and has a unique gift to help people learn how to design their lives with purpose and intention. She helps others utilize their creativity for personal and professional growth. Change by Design Facebook Page
Notable Authors, Speakers & Books
Melody Beattie - Melody has a lot of great books to help with the process of self-care and recovery. Two books in particular were very helpful: "The Language of Letting Go" and "Codependent No More."
Think and Grow Rich - The book "Think & Grow Rich" contains principles that represents the wisdom of men of great wealth and achievement.
The Secret -This book & film "The Secret" creates life-transforming tools in the mediums of books, films, and multi-media. Film available on Netflix.
Jim Rohn - Motivational Speaker - Jim Rohn was a big influence on us as well as millions around the world with his elegance and common sense life strategies that expand people's imagination of what is possible.
Tony Robbins - Motivational Speaker - Authority on leadership psychology and is a life and business strategist. He is an author, coach, businessman and motivational speaker.
Simon Sinek - Motivational Speaker - Simon discovered remarkable patterns about how the greatest leaders and organizations think, act and communicate; he popularized the concept of Why in his first Ted Talk in 2009.